Tuesday, February 5, 2013


 I am called Charles E. Mwakalunde living at Kazima street Plot no…….Kawajense ward, Mpanda district-Katavi Region-Tanzania. I was born on February, 1987at Mpanda District hospital.
In our family we are seven where by two are my parents and the rest are children. I, Charles E. Mwakalunde I'm the fourth born child at the family of Mrs and Mrs. Mwakalunde


2009 - 2012.   Statement Result in Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at University of Dodoma (UDOM)

2007-2009  Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) at St. Maurus Chemchemi Secondary School, Sumbawanga-Rukwa

 2003-2006Oldnary Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) at Katumba Secondary School, Mpanda District-Katavi

 1996-2002-Primary School certificate at Mirambo Primary school, Mpanda District-Katavi


               -Responsibilities includes providing the Entrepreneurship Training to Nsimbo                 Dwellers and Usevya Dwellers and the preparation for the coming of the                National Torch at Mpanda District 

              -This developed my skill on how to provide training to the people with different                  sex and age, providing advices to the Entrepreneurs on how they can get                  loans and their return as located according to the amount of money                 requested in the Department.

               -Responsibilities includes member of Credit Scheme, volunteers Trainer                  and distributer of the socio-economic supports for the organization to                Vulnerable Children like Community Health Fund Cards (CHF Card).  

              -This developed my skill in providing training to the people with distinct sex and                      age, providing advices to Entrepreneurs in getting loans and their return due                to the of money requested.

              -Responsibilities includes involved in the training provided for the members of                the Association on the Good leadership

              -This developed my skill in understanding the roles and responsibilities of the                good leadership.

           -Responsibilities include being a Representative of the Third Year Students,                    involve in  blood donation, visiting and provision of grand to the people who                   are in need like People with Mental illness at Milembe Hospital at Dodoma                 Region.

            -This developed my skill in coordinating the students and their views by               represent them to the Organizational meeting if necessary. Also I gain the              experience on cause, effects and salutation to overcome the mental illness.

The Major Activities opt to be performed


To improve self-livelihood, environment and initiate capacity building


To facilitate participatory community development by empowering people with skills like Agricultural officers, Business Officers, government leaders and other people irrespective differences, such as race, ethnicity, sex, age, political interest etc.

Objectives of my Activities

Ethical Standards


I adapted participatory method such as Participatory Action Research (PAR), Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA), Appreciative Inquiry (AI), and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), for the aim of making rural and urban people being able to identify, assess, analyze and reaching the solutions of their social problems. Also to make people understand their potentials and way forward to allocate their resources available.

Personal Contact

Charles Euzebius Mwakalunde

P.O BOX 54,


E-Mail: mwakalundec@yahoo.com

SUR NAME:                    Mwakalunde
OTHER NAMES               Charles Euzebius
MARITA STATUS:            Single
NATIONALITY:               Tanzanian
AGE:                            25yrs
SEX:                            Male
ADDRESS:     mwakalundec@yahoo.com

II. Education Qualifications
2009-212.  Statement result of bachelor of Arts in Sociology at University of Dodoma-Tanzania
2007-2009.   Advanced Certificate Education Examination at St. Maurus Chemichem Secondary School, Sumbawanga Tanzania
2003-2006.  Oldinary Certficate Education Examination at Katumba Secondary School,Mpanda-Tanzania
1996-2002. Primary School Certificate at Mirambo Primary School Mpanda-Tanzania
 III. Work Experiences
IV. Skills
Languages: Kiswahili and English
Computing: Familiality with window packages like Introduction to computer, Mc word, Mc Publisher, Mc Excel and Statistical Package for Social Science
V. Hobby
Sporting: Playing football
VI. Referees;      John Mbele +255(0)754/786-384330 or                                                       mbelejohn@yahoo.com mbelejo@yahoo.ca 
                       Mr. Yusuf Ramadhan +255(0)714246483
                       Mr. Hamis Mnubi  +255(0)715925367

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